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  • The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation through value investing – purchasing shares of financially sound, growing companies, when they are available at an attractive price.
  • Emphasis on quality companies, defined by strong free cash flow, competitive return on capital, solid balance sheets, and experienced management with proven track records.
  • Opportunistic across market capitalization spectrum.
  • Contrarian discipline designed to help reduce the risk of loss and enhance returns.
Symbol RCMFX
Inception Date January 1, 1984
Fund Managers Timothy S. Schwartz, CFA George P. Schwartz, CFA
Net Assets $34.8 million
Sales Load None
Gross/Net Prospectus Expense Ratio 1.29%/1.26%1
Number of Holdings 18
Average Market Cap $31.8 billion
Price/Earnings Ratio 17.5x
Fund Information as of 6/30/24
1The adviser has contractually agreed to limit the Fund's ordinary operating expenses to an amount not exceeding 1.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets until at least May 1, 2025.


Our primary goal is to provide superior investment counsel to fiduciaries and families. The interests of our clients are placed above all other considerations. Counseling is tailored to the particular needs and objectives of each individual client. We seek clients with whom we have shared values. We conduct ourselves with integrity in every aspect of our profession, realizing that our reputation is our most valuable asset and if lost, is irreplaceable. Employees are well educated and well compensated. We measure our success in terms of clients’ investment objectives being met. We pursue these principles without calculating the consequences.


Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. utilizes a fundamental based, value-focused, long-term oriented, bottom-up investment approach. Portfolio managers and research analysts utilize fundamental security analysis to identify securities that are available at a discount to intrinsic value. Emphasis is placed on high-quality companies, in sound financial condition, available at an attractive price, with the intent to own them for many years.